Breast Cancer Awareness Month 2022: TBCT Call to Action – Better Breast Cancer Care for a Better Life

In light of breast cancer awareness month in October, Transforming Breast Cancer Together (TBCT) aims to contribute to increasing awareness of the fight against breast cancer. TBCT, a multistakeholder initiative, is committed to ensuring equitable and sustainable cancer prevention, calling for timely screening, early detection and diagnosis, and access to care.

While screening and treatments have improved, breast cancer remains a serious threat to people, families, and European society. With this in mind, TBCT launches its Call to Action – Better Breast Cancer Care for a Better Life, highlighting the importance of timely implementation of the European Commission’s Europe’s Beating Cancer Plan. A better quality of care would benefit the quality of life and recovery of normalcy in patients’ lives.

It is critical to ensure that those affected by breast cancer can access safe and high-quality procedures throughout the care pathway, from early diagnosis through treatment, including end-of-life care and survivorship.

Access the TBCT Call to Action Quality of Care here

To mark breast cancer awareness month, TBCT hosted an event in the European Parliament hosted by MEP Frances Fitzgerald, Chair of TBCT and MEP Alessandra Moretti. On this occasion, Health and Food Safety Commissioner, Stella Kyriakides shared a video message confirming the European Commission’s commitment to the fight against cancer in the EU.

Stella Kyriakides, Health and Food Safety Commissioner

Additionally, Dr. Fatima Cardoso, Chair of ABC Global Alliance, shared a video message as well highlighting the key policy asks.

Dr Fatima Cordoso

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